Friday, September 2, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What outfit should I wear for veterinary receptionist job interview?

The job entails wearing scrubs on a daily basis, so obviously I won't wear scrubs to an interview, but what should I wear? I have been told that a black blazer and black pants with a collared shirt would fit any job interview but I sort of think that its too corporate for this type of job position, am I wrong? Should I go with the Black/White/Black look? What should I wear? Are wearing colors bad?

9 Steps to Job Interview Success

Recommended Answer:
black/white/black is perfect, this is suitable for almost any interview.
As it is a receptionist position, you will need to appear presentable in the interview even if you will be wearing scrubs when working.

Job Interview Tips And Advice - 2 Important Skills

  • Many people get stuck when they are aiming to decide what to wear at an interview. Myself I'm from the old school, I am of the opinion that formal wear is never incorrect; you can get some tips from the resource in the box below, they also have lots of stuff on job hunting.

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