Thursday, September 8, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What questions do they ask in a job interview?

I am going to a job interview but I need to know what Kind of questions do they ask you and what should you answer?

2 Simple Steps to Crushing Your Competition During Your Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
Why should they hire you?
Greatest strength
Greatest weakness
what you have brought to previous jobs
how you got along at previous jobs

Job Interviewing Preparation: The Winning Approach!

  • A good interviewer will begin by trying to make you as comfortable as possible. They will probably do this by asking you to tell them about yourself. This is a good ice breaker question and should put the interviewee at ease. Then, if they know what they are doing, they will ask only open ended questions, like "Tell me about a time when you demonstated your ability to problem solve" as opposed to asking "Do you have problem solving skills?" The idea is to get the candidate to TALK. So, think about 5 really great jobs or projects that you've worked on, and have them at the forefront of your mind so whatever open ended question you get asked, you can quickly retrieve one of those situations and elaborate.

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