Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What are some questions i should expect from a job interview?

I've got a job interview tomorrow with the store oasis. Just to get me prepared I need some taster questions, thanks.

It is Important For Every Job Seeker to Know About the Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
Clothing should be smart, but make sure you're comfortable! Dependent on the company you may need to dress in either formal or casual attire if in doubt stick to formal.

REMEMBER: you have 60 seconds after each question before the interviewer loses interest, so keep answers short and to the point! 5 seconds is all you have to make a good first impression it's not long so make sure it is the right one.

Firstly allow plenty of time to arrive and settle in about 10 Min's before the interview is a good time to arrive, make yourself know to someone who works there, and explain your purpose of visit for example '' good morning / afternoon my name is ********* and i have an interview at *********''. If you don't know who your interviewer is then skip to the time. or you could just say '' good morning / afternoon I have an interview at ****'' they will then alert your interviewer of your arrival.

Remember to greet your interviewer with a smile and shake their hand if they extend it first! En route to the interview room they may give you a pep talk and ask some questions such as '' did you find us ok? '' so even if you had to take 3 buses and got lost 4 times, just say you found everything ok. as if you start moaning it can leave an impression on the interviewer. It's sneaky but most companies are during the hiring process.If there are two interviewers then one will be asking questions and one will be observing your body language and your responses. this is another sneaky way of doing it but it helps them to see you from all angles. if there is just one then your fine but don't let your guard down ;)Ok now to the tricky part what you will be asked;

Each interviewer has their own technique but the general questions are mostly the same.

A typical interview will have the following structure;


These are to settle you in but don't let your guard down and say something you know you shouldn't, so be vigilant at all times. The types of questions may include hobbies etc. but try to relate them to the job you're applying for, for example '' I am in the school netball team and this allows me to understand teamwork and the benefit of it to achieve a single goal''Company

This section is a little trickier and you have to think about your answers but one major flaw most people make is not to fully understand the question being asked so if you're not sure feel free to ask the interview to repeat the question. this type of question may be '' why do you want to work for us?'' or ''what skills do you think you could bring to the team?'' etc. just be honest and try to keep your answers to the point (you don't need to use fancy words, just tell them the main point) but do not roll off the company's website like a robot, put it into your own words.

Experience and Competency Questions

This will test your skills against a list of competencies that are essential for the job, so Team Working, Customer Focus, Time Management etc. Are crucial competencies that you will have to demonstrate, in this situation I suggest you use the STAR technique. look it up online.You may be asked about a weakness and how you overcame it, be sure to focus mainly on the steps you took to overcome this weakness.Miscellaneous

This is just where you include qualifications or experience; they may ask what tasks you have done in your previous jobs. They will also ask if you have any pre booked holiday with your current employer and how much notice you are required to give to your current employer.Situation Questions

Ok now these questions are very sneaky most big companies' use them but some smaller ones may also. Now the trick to getting these questions right is to fully understand them as i mentioned before. For example:'' it's a busy day and the manager gives you a task to complete, after 30 minutes your assistant manager asks you to do another task, but you have not finished the task set by the manager. What would you do?'' this is not the question you will be asked but it's to give you an idea of situation questions. The best way to answer is to put yourself in the situation and think how you would react.

Just remember this is assessing how you react in situations so just think on your feet.

Ok if you get through all of this they will then start talking about the job and tasks in entails. they will also chat about uniform and pay and also when you will be told when you will receive your results from the interview some may tell you on the day or ring you or send you a letter this process can take anything from a few hours for a phone call to 14 days dependent on the number of applicants.

Then when the interview is over be sure to shake the hand of your interviewer, tell them how lovely it was to meet them and thank them for taking the time to see you. (Its cheesy but it can make a big difference ;) )I hope this information is a help to you

Job Interview Tips for Second Interviews

  • 1) How would you handle a difficult customer?
    2) What do you think about people who arrive late to work?
    3) What's your experience handling money?
    4) If a customer is trying to decide between two outfits, how would you persuade her to buy the more expensive one?

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