Sunday, December 11, 2011

Job Interview Questions: How can I do good at a job interview?

I'm 17 and i will be applying for a job at one of the supermarkets in my town. I will probably get a job interview. I had an interview for another place a few months ago but it didnt go so well.

The Values That You Should Have in a Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
dress neatly
answer no sir (mam) yes sir
answer questions directly and don't ramble
sit up straight
make eye contact
sell yourself

The Job Interview Process - What to Expect

  • Always smile, shake hands, be confident.. and tell them what they want to hear... sometimes honesty, is not always the best policy.

  • Know something about the supermarket and the specific job you are applying for at the store.
    If the store is in your neighborhood take a walk through the store, familiarize yourself with the store, and use the information if appropriate in the interview.
    Be well groomed, dress appropriately(no jeans), be on time.
    Speak well, speak clearly, make eye contact, show some enthusiasm, greet interviewer with a handshake, relax. If you have former work experience go over what your responsibilities were, if you had any similar work experiences let interviewer know, you want to impress the interviewer that you will work hard, that the job is important to you.
    Don't forget everyone this store hires is important to the operation of the store, and they expect a good job from you.
    Be prepared, bring your Social Security card, driver's license(if you have one), any government identification necessary, have with you a list of any previous work places, their address, list of your schools, address, and if you need a reference bring the name, address, and telephone number of a responsible adult reference(family friend, former employer, teacher, etc.) if necessary.
    Good luck!

  • The prospective employer should see the salesman in you even before you make your first sale.

    1. Go to the interview like you're about to face a business prospect. Learn about the prospect's needs (in the sales jobs interview, your interviewer), such as what they are looking for in a sales consultant and how you will fit in the position.

    2. Prepare your presentation as you would show a new sales idea to your bosses. Your presentation contents would be your sales experience chronologically presented in detail, including the techniques you used to arrive at your results. Highlight stories based on the qualifications a certain company wants.

    3. Find and prepare documents you will use in the interview, such as extra copies of your resume, your portfolio, and other professional works. For new graduates, never fail to bring your college transcript.

    4. Wear presentable sales jobs interview attire and arrive early, at least 15 minutes before your interview schedule.

    5. Review anticipated questions or, if you can, role-play the interview by asking a friend to act as your interviewer. It would be easier to practice answering questions this way than saying them all in your head.

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