Monday, December 19, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Help!! I got a job interview for an upscale, high-class restaurant as a bus person, but...?

I'll be leaving for school in about 3 weeks (the university is about 4 hours from here, btw). The job interview is in two days, and I was just wondering.. what are the chances of me being hired? I really wouldn't mind working holidays/seasonal or anything. But chances are..? Maybe they'll give me a chance to set a good example and possibly keep me on schedule for when I come home from school?

Job Interviews Should Be As Easy As Trying on a Pair of Shoes

Recommended Answer:
I don't want to sound mean, but the truth is they won't hire you so essentially you are wasting your time and their time. You are going to have to tell them that you're leaving in 3 weeks and heading to college away-- employers don't really look too highly on that unless you were working for them months in advance, and then they could arrange a seasonal or holiday work shift for you. But this economy still isn't great, and employers are trying to maximize their budgets by hiring people who are going to be worth their time. Someone who is going away to college isn't someone the want to hire-- they'd rather hire someone who will stay in the area, and chances are that's who the new employee will be.

For future reference, the best time to search for a summer job is in late March to early April, BEFORE school gets out. This way, you could start working in May and by the time it's August, you will have worked for a couple months and are more likely to have a fill-in seasonal job.

Can I Really Get That Job? - How To Survive a Job Interview - Part 1

  • All you can do is try..... good luck to you.. they may need someone part time.. and then that will give them a chance to see how you do and when you return home for another trip and will be home a week or they may need you as a "fill in" for short staff .. and it will give you something to put on a resume, and gain experience...good luck!

  • No, you won't get hired. I'm sorry to sound negative, but it would just be a waste of money and time. They need to hire someone who can stay longer than three weeks. It costs a company more money and time to hire two people than to hire one.

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