Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Job Interview Questions: I have been invited for a job interview unfortunately the position ....?

.... Being offered is below my current position. I am neither too happy nor too unhappy in my current job. Should I decline the interview? How should it be handled? Will it burn future bridges? Is going for the interview and wasting everyone's time a better solution to this situation?

Interview Skills You Need To Succeed In a Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
You are in a great situation, because you have nothing to lose. It's great practice for taking a flyer: go in, and see if you can impress them suitably to 1) get a job offer and 2) have them amend the job, level, and salary to meet your requirements.

If they ask why you came in, if possible, tell them that you really want a chance to work with them (list things that make this company so great), and that while you realized that the job was beneath your current level, you couldn't refuse the chance to meet them, and talk about options, current and future. If it's clear the job can't be re-worked, take some time before refusing, let them know that you really, really, wanted to take the job, apologize for taking their time, but when you ran the numbers you just couldn't find a way to make it work.

If you handle it well, you won't burn a bridge. You'll build one.

Job Interview Tip Number 1 is Preparation

  • It is important to find out more. Is your current job going up anytime soon? Will you be promoted and do you think this job offer could further you in your chosen career? If you think that this job, after considering the questions, could be a way of getting higher up, quicker - then go for the job interview - after all, what harm could it do? You can decline at a later date, and explain at the interview that this is below your current position, but you feel that this company could offer you a better future.

    Hope I Helped =)

  • It shouldn't be too hard to explain that you don't think the position is right for you in a polite way. Thank them for the opportunity and say you'd like to stay connected (if that's the truth).

    They are obviously interested in you for a reason, and will probably respect the fact that you don't want to waste their time. But letting them know how you feel could open up other doors at that company. Perhaps there is - or will be - a different position that is right for you.

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