Friday, December 9, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What do I put in a thank you card after I've had a job interview?

And what if the interview was sort of a disaster? Any way to make it better to increase my chances of getting this job, despite my mistakes?

Ace the Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
I do not think that writing a simple thank you note after a job interview is in bad taste, in fact, quite the opposite. I would express my gratitude for someone spending time with me, and at the same time stress your strong selling points and interest in the position.

Here is a sample:

Dear Mr. Summers:

After speaking with you and the group, I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for this position, offering the quick learning and adaptability that is needed for a diversified position.

In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the technical and analytical skills necessary to get the job done.

I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding this position. Please feel free to contact me at anytime if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (555) 111-1111.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Your Signature

I would not try to rehash any areas that you thought did not go well. I would simply state the positive talents that you have and why you are a good fit.

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  • I would thank the interviewer for having met with me and for understanding that I was nervous and being understanding about that. Be sure to mention things you like about the company, that you think working for them would be a great career opportunity not only because of the tasks involved but because of how great the environment seems.Thank them again for their time, let them know that you appreciate it and look forward to hearing from them.

    It is important to mention things about the company that you like as it shows that you are interested in THEIR company and have done researched them. Mention that you were nervous (assuming that is what caused you to make a few errors in replying to the interviewers questions) they should understand the way you were feeling and not hold it against you (assuming again that it was only nerves that caused the perceived errors. It is possible that you came across great).

    Keep the thank you card short, sweet and professional as they are very busy and do not have time to read a whole letter.

    I hope you get the job and that this helps.
    Good luck.

  • I thank them for taking time out of their day to meet with you. Tell them you enjoyed meeting them, and that you are very excited about what they do(you can be more specific). Thank them for their consideration and tell them to feel free to contact you with any further information they might need. End it with you hope you get the chance to work with them and learn more about their business or company

  • I used to be a manager and interviewed people for jobs.
    It was nice if on leaving applicants said thank you for seeing me or similar.
    However I would have been surprised to receive a thank you card from people whom I interviewed. My view was that you did the company a favour by applying for the job.

  • I don't think it looks desperate at all. But so what if it does? You need the job, right?

    You need to set yourself apart from all the other applicants. I really enjoy it when I receive a thank you card after I interview someone. It shows thoughtfulness and manners.

  • Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for this job. I appreciate it very much.

  • Do not do this!!!!! This makes you look desperate. Save yourself a stamp and just wait for the results to come back. Good Luck

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