Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Is it true that the more you're in need of a job the more nervous your gonna be on the interview?

Is it true that you gain anxiety for something because you need it so bad. For example, your rent is due and you're so nervious on a job interview cause you know you need the job so bad to keep a roof over your head.
Can you guys send me some pointer and advise on how to not be so nervous during interviews and other important meetings.

Tips During a Job Interview - Tremendous Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd!

Recommended Answer:
My best interviews are always the ones where I don't even want the job. It's almost exactly like dating. If you already have a job, it seems like every place wants you just like if you are in a relationship. If you have been single or unemployed for a little while, nobody gives you a second thought.

Which of These Job Interview Problems Would You Like to End?

  • tell yrself i got this. im for sure that this job is mine. just sit there answer questions honestly and dont shake a lot lol. just act as if the interviewer guy is ur friend

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